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We’ve just passed 1 month, what a rollercoaster that was!

We’ve just passed 1 month, what a rollercoaster that was! Mammas everywhere, you’re total HEROS! ⚡🦸‍♀️⚡ I thought a lot about the moment 6 years ago when I worked for a financial services company which I enjoyed!, and yet I asked myself one day:

“Would I still be happy doing this when I have a baby? 👶🏻

Tubing to office until I’m about to pop, then handing my young child over to a nanny when I need to return to work, doing long hours. Not to mention the constant stress of working in finance.”

The answer was a super-clear ‘HELL NO!’ ⛔

It felt scary and even heartbreaking to leave, but I called it quits and embraced the uncertainty of becoming a solopreneur as a Career (and now – Business) Coach.

That was another roller-coaster but I never looked back. I adore the freedom, the fulfillment, the abundance that it offers!

Seeing my client’s faces tear up as we finish our sessions, saying that their lives were transformed in the process – it’s PRICELESS! 💖

Now that my business mastery programme THE FULLY BOOKED COACH is wrapping up for our 1st cohort, I’m so inspired by participants’ journeys.

I’m seeing these talented coaches finally taking the courage to quit their jobs or side hustles. And gaining confidence and tools to know they can be an abundant coach too! 💰

Dear Coaches, I’m mega-proud of you!

And for those still dreaming and doubting of being able to just simply focus on coaching full time – please know it IS possible! With the right tools, mindset and support, you can do it too!

In May, I’ll be running a series of free weekly Workshop for Coaches GAMEPLAN FOR £5K MONTHS outlining the exact journey and strategies that helped our coaches start signing up clients consistently. 🏝️

It is limited to 6 attendees per event, so that I can give everyone individual attention on the call. Book your spot here:

Feel free to share it with a coach-friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏼 Let’s get you fully booked too 😉

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