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Social Media for Coaches: how to build a healthy relationship with it, and make it work for you

Watch this video if you’re a Coach wondering:

– Do I need to be on social media? If so, how often? – Which platform should I focus on? – Is it gonna bring me real results? – How can I make this process enjoyable and stay authentic while posting?

Despite the popular opinion – No! you don’t need to be in people’s faces every single day to build a strong coaching brand online and bring aligned clients to your practice.

In this video I help you overhaul your love/hate relationship with it, so that it starts working for YOU.

And becomes one other channel to express your creativity, empower & inspire others! What are your SM channels? Post the links in the comment, I’d love to take a peek and share some feedback with you privately.

If you’re curious to learn about my 6-month business mastery programme for trained Coaches – book a non-commital chat to discuss your goals and bring some clarity to how you can be earning £5-10k CONSISTENLY in you coaching practice:

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